Dial in on End of Year Goals


At some point during the year, most of us look at the calendar and wonder, “Where did the time go?!” The start of the year doesn’t seem that long ago yet, here we are – quickly moving toward the end of this one.

It’s often a time of anxiety for anyone who sets goals. They realize that they’re running out of time to achieve them. Worse, they may have given up on some of them.

It isn’t the time to panic, however. Experts say that it’s the perfect time to get back on track and finish the year strong. But dialing in on year-end goals requires a few different strategies.

1. Step back and reassess

Take a look at all of your year-end goals, particularly the ones you may have had trouble achieving. Match them against what you want to accomplish by the end of this year and decide whether the goal is A) still in line with your values, B) the right goal given everything that’s happened over the year, and C) something you still have time to accomplish.

2. Let your intentions be known

Discussing your goals with someone else helps hold you accountable for achieving them. Attend networking events and tell people about your yearly goals. You’ll not only make your intentions known, but you may meet someone who has ideas about how to accomplish your goals.

3. Make the deadline your motivation

Sometimes having a countdown – in this case, a countdown for achieving your goals before the year ends – provides ample motivation. The deadline that didn’t seem daunting in January is now fast approaching. Decide what goals you’re going to keep and then set up a plan to achieve them in whatever time you have left.

4. Hone your mindset

Even if you’re pressed for time to complete your goals, don’t let the “pressure” cause you to sink into negative thinking. Instead, always think that your goals are achievable because you’ll work harder to reach them.

5. Don’t deplete your time and energy

A deadline that’s suddenly visible in the distance is an excellent reminder that you need to concentrate on the things that are most important. Spend your time wisely, which may mean delegating some of your tasks, but also spend your energy wisely by knowing the times of day when you’re most productive and creative.

6. Make each day count

One way to keep your eye on the prize and to move toward it is by setting priorities each day and then completing them. Work toward mastering the big picture by taking small steps each day.

7. Establish and stick with a plan

Being specific about what steps you need to complete to accomplish your year-end goals is never more important than when a deadline looms. List everything that you’ll need to do to reach your goal by its deadline. Take the right actions and visualize the outcome of those actions. As always, keep your goals as specific as possible.

There’s no better time than now to re-focus and get back on track if you’ve fallen behind on working toward your goals. Taking specific steps and actions will help show the way and help ease your anxiety.

Creative Ways to get 10,000 Steps a Day


You don’t need a gym membership to get the exercise you need. Make walking a regular part of your routine. But how much should you walk to make a difference in your health? According to a 2000 study, walking 10,000 steps a day is ideal. 10,000 steps reduce the blood pressure of those with mild hypertension.

However, hitting 10,000 steps can still be challenging for people with full schedules. But if there’s a will, there’s a way … 7 ways, to be exact:

1.) Park far away

The parking spots closest to most businesses are the first ones taken anyway. Save the effort of looking and improve your health by parking far away instead. You’re more likely to find available spots farther away. You’ll expend energy on something more important, getting enough exercise and meeting your 10,000-step daily quota.

2.) Get off one stop away

Not driving to your destination? No problem. If you take the bus or train, get off at least one block or station away. Then walk to your destination. Make a habit out of this, and you’ll find yourself enjoying these strolls especially in good weather. You may be able to save on transportation expenses too because shorter distances can mean cheaper fare.

3.) Take the stairs

If your office isn’t on the ground level, skip the elevator and take the stairs. Even if your office is on a much higher floor, take the elevator but get off a few floors lower and cover the remaining distance on foot. If you’re just starting your health journey or get winded easily, take the elevator going up but the stairs going down. Gravity is your friend, so the trip is easier on your lungs and legs

4.) Schedule a walking meeting

When meeting with just one or two people, set a walking meeting.  If there’s a park or trail near your office, this can be a fun way to take a meeting. Walking meetings are not only invigorating for the body, but they’re also engaging for the mind. Of course, make sure the other attendees are up for a walk, too.

5.) Use your breaks wisely

Coffee breaks can be used for something better, like a quick walk around your office. Opt to use part of your lunch break for a long walk. Either way, you have time to squeeze in some steps during work if you really want to.

6.) Walk your dog

Walking is less tiresome when you have a furry friend or two as companions. You need to exercise your dogs anyway, so you’ll get a twofer if make them walk with you. If you don’t have dogs, volunteer to look after the dogs of a busy friend or a senior citizen that can’t get out. They’ll be grateful for your services.

7.) Forego delivery sometimes

Nowadays, it’s easy to get everything delivered to your doorstep, including toilet paper. But shopping on foot can add to your step total. Looking for items from one aisle to another translates to many steps on your fitness app.

Whether you’re a couch potato or a fitness buff, these tips will help you reach 10,000 steps.

Following Up and Resetting Goals

Following Up and Resetting Goals

It’s that time of year when spring cleaning is on the minds of many people. You know – clean the house, garage, or anything else that’s become cluttered over the winter.

But have you thought about spring cleaning your goals? It’s not the same as tossing things to the curb or donating them to a worthy cause, but rather a reassessment.

That said, now’s the time to do a goal check-up and monitor your progress toward reaching them. Here are some suggestions:

1. Take time for reflection

Before you look towards the future, you need to take a good look at the past. Assess your successes and failures over the past few months, and give yourself credit for any goals that you’ve accomplished, no matter how small.

Ask yourself what can improve and what you wish you had done but didn’t. There’s no need to be hard on yourself. You want to be honest.

2. Examine why some goals got off-track

There are always reasons why a goal is off-track. If it involves your business or organization, perhaps it’s due to a lack of resources or a leadership issue. If the goal has become so far off-track that it’s impossible, you may want to reset and create a new goal.

3. Get rid of what you no longer need

Spring cleaning means getting rid of things that aren’t essential. The same rule applies to your goals. Ask yourself: Is everything I’ve spent the last few months working on crucial? Think of ways that you can cut back on non-essential activities.

Consider your responsibilities and which ones aren’t truly your own. Think about what duties you can phase out of your life.

Are there emotions, such as jealousy, resentments, or anger holding you back? We all experience those emotions from time to time, but an overload of them is counterproductive. Focus on the positive instead.

4. Pick a time to evaluate and reset your goals

Another way to stay on top of your goals is to choose a day each month in which you assess your goals and, if necessary, to reset them. But never reset a goal before understanding why it’s not working in the first place.

5. Create an action plan

Once you’ve reassessed your goals, choose a few of them that you’d like to focus on and create new deadlines (and a new plan) to reach them. Set deadlines for completing little tasks necessary for accomplishing a larger goal.

Setting yourself up for success means having a clear direction and roadmap for where you want to go. Always know your immediate, next step.

Take time to re-evaluate your goals and, if necessary, getting back on track for reaching them. It’s an important part of the journey.

Remember: Goals are fluid. They change and may not be as important now as they were when you originally set them.