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Summer Fun and Beating the Heat: Outdoor Activity “Hacks”

Summer Fun and Beating the Heat: Outdoor Activity "Hacks"

Now that summer is upon us; the heat is hotter than ever before. You could retreat inside your home and crank up the AC, but your energy bills will drain your wallet if you do that. You also have places to go, people to see, errands to run, so you can’t stay cooped up for long. There must be a better way to beat the heat outside … and lucky for you, here are a few:

Fun Outdoor Activity Hacks

Take a dip

You don’t need your own pool to cool off outdoors. Community centers usually have a pool, so check out the one nearest you. If you want to be more attuned to nature, look for a hot spring, pond, or lake where you can do fun activities other than swimming, like fishing or canoeing.

Pack a picnic

Summer is the perfect time to explore the parks and natural area in your area. If you live in the heart of the city, you may have to drive a way to get to it, but it’s going to be worth it. Make sure to bring a cooler full of sandwiches and ice-cold drinks to keep the heat at bay.

Have a water gun fight

This is a fight where no one gets hurt, and everyone gets cooled down. Buy a few water guns, fill them all with icy water, and start the battle. Kids will love this game, but even adults can get in on the fun. Best to do this in your backyard if it’s spacious enough. Add water balloon grenades for some extra fun.

Drive with the top down

Don’t have a convertible? No problem! Rent one for a day and cruise around town with the wind blowing through your hair. While you’re at it, go to a new place you’ve never been and explore. Whether it’s a restaurant you’ve always wanted to check out or that trail you’ve always wanted to trek on.

Ride a bike

Is a sports car too flashy for you? Then opt for a reliable bike instead and find some hills to coast down on. You’ll still get that feeling of cool wind against your face, but with less machine to maneuver. Of course, don’t forget to put on your helmet and bring a full water bottle.

Practice outdoor yoga

If you’re lucky, you’ll find a yogi who holds classes outdoors in your area. These sessions are usually in the morning when the sun is out but not too hot, so if you plan to join, better wake up early. Don’t worry – it’s a great way to start your day. Nothing beats feeling energized even when it’s only 7:00 in the morning.

Go to an amusement park

A quick spin in a roller coaster will make you forget about the heat. If that doesn’t work, many amusement parks have water rides that are guaranteed to soak you all over. There’s no better way to beat the heat while getting an adrenaline rush.

With these tips, you can enjoy summer outside without getting heatstroke. And remember, the best way to beat the heat is by staying hydrated with lots of water!

Want some fun summer activities for your office? Read 15 Ideas for Summer Office Fun